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Eating Disorders

Jul 15

3 min read




Eating disorders (ED), unlike some other forms of mental health symptoms, are not taken as

seriously. People see eating disorders as just people not being able to control themselves and

being greedy these can have very fatal effects like even death. There is no single form of eating

disorder, it is caused by a combination of biological and psychological factors. You cannot tell a

person has an eating disorder by just looking at them, there are no physical attributes common

to people with eating disorders, One can have ED irrespective of race, gender, ethnicity, or body

type. An eating disorder is a biopsychosocial disorder which means it is a mental illness caused

or influenced by genetic, biological, environmental, and social elements.EDs carry a risk of

various complications like suicide or very severe diseases. Genes play a role in the

development of EDs but cannot alone cause EDs.

There are various signs one can look out for to tell if someone has an eating disorder:

- Obsession over weight, appearance, and body shape

- Extreme weight loss

- Refusal to eat in public

- Social withdrawal

- Intense abrupt mood swings (especially when talking about food).

- Frequent dizziness.

- Difficulty concentrating

- Noticeable frequent weight fluctuations (can be an increase or decrease)

Eating disorders come in so many forms

Anorexia nervosa; is a situation where people tend to avoid food or eat as little as possible,

most patients are also overly obsessed with body weight and weigh themselves regularly, they

are almost always thinking about food. There are two forms of Anorexia nervosa, a “restrictive”

and “binge-eating” form, people with restrictive anorexia nervosa tend to avoid food totally, while

people with binge-eating anorexia nervosa although also avoid food they have moments where

they eat very large amounts of food even if they get full they keep stuffing themselves till they

eventually throw up or they use laxatives or diuretics to get rid of what they consumed. Anorexia

nervosa has a very high mortality rate compared to other forms of mental illness, it can also

cause; infertility, brittle hair, and nails, and thinning bones among others.

Bulimia nervosa: Also known as Bulimia, people with Bulimia tend to eat large amounts of food

within a short period of time, they eat until they are painfully full and then force purge. These

can be by forcing themselves to vomit, fasting, excessively exercising, or using laxatives.

Bulimia can cause a stroke or heart attack.

Binge eating disorder(BED): This involves eating large amounts of food rapidly in secret,

despite not being hungry. This usually leads to shame, stress, and guilt. People with BED

usually do not self-purge, they also eat ultra-processed food than whole food. BED can cause

heart disease, stroke type 2 diabetes etc.

Pica: Pica involves eating things that are not typically considered food. This may include Ice,

soil, chalk, bags, paper, cornstarch, etc. Pica can cause intellectual disability, poisoning, gut

injuries, nutritional deficiencies, or in extreme cases death.

Rumination disorder: Rumination disorder is when a person regularly regurgitates food they

previously chewed and swallowed, re-chews it, and re-swallows or spits it out.

Avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder: also known as ARFID, AFRID causes a lack of

interest in eating or irritation towards features of food like smell, taste, temperature, etc. This is

more than being a picky eater, it involves having a disdain towards certain foods or features.

Night eating syndrome: This involves frequent excessive eating at night, usually involving

waking up from sleep to eat.

Want to help someone you think might have an ED?

1. Do not place blame! They already feel bad about themselves do not make it worse,

rather show them that you understand what is happening is not their fault and you want

to help them find a solution.

2. Be a good role model, practice what you preach.

3. Do not advise about anything you are not 100% sure about.

4. Prepare for negative reactions. Be patient with them, the first steps are usually scary

remind them you are doing this together and do not try to rush them into something they

do not want to do (except when it is a critical position seek medical help)

5. If there is any part of the journey you can go with them, please do. People feel more

comfortable and relaxed when they are not alone in a task.

6. LEARN! LEARN!! LEARN!!! Eating disorder is a relatively new illness and research is

being conducted every day. Learn more about how you can help and find resources or

communities so they do not feel alone.

Do you think you might have an ED or do you know someone who does

Just like most illnesses (mental or whatnot) ED’s can be cured. It requires the willingness of the

patient and the support of people around them, which can be family, friends, classmates, etc.

Some resources that can help are:,,


Jul 15

3 min read





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